Thursday, November 09, 2006




David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Are we actually becoming a parasitic parody of our own existence, within our own "progress?"

As I have observed it would seem that the more we "progress" in that direction of automated living, the farther we become from that place from which it arose.

If it is as I suspect regarding the concept of "Utopia" itself, then such is most definitely where the more problematic elements within our modern society have developed out of. My suspicions being that "Utopia" is more of an ongoing process than any certain goal for which to aspire. There is "no finish line" so to speak.

As I have noted and as is widely observable, it could be safely stated that we now exist firmly within (and past the beginnings of) what can be considered "Utopia" for all intent and purpose. And it is something I acknowledge, being the necessity within such success for a given element to the contrary. In fact I imagine such is very much important to the health of any given example of 'Utopia."

Within what we exist through currently (the level of automation), this aspect seems to have lost that meaning as well - now being seen in some instances as a possible normality if not a social dynamic from which to rule society.

In my belief, such a direction and social motion is as well a victim of that over-saturation and amplification effect brought on in ways I have described. I do not believe that such extremes of detrimental activity and dynamic were meant to exist at such levels - similarly with the amplified effect of what we see as beneficial aspects.

In other terms, the "bad guys" weren't supposed to be driven to such levels of "activity," nor were the "good guys" in the same respect.

Another obvious illusion to this amplified dynamic, is that of the "ruling" element. It is as if, within that amplified dynamic (and possibly connected to those wants within "commerce/power" I have explored) those thinking they are vying for dominance entirely in "one direction" or "the other," no longer have the insight that the mechanism in which they "compete" is specifically designed to thwart such overt forms of "dominance" in several ways, for obvious reasons as history proves. Further within this aspect, is that much of that given mechanism is actually designed to utilize the efforts in such directions of "rule" and "dominance."

I personally don't see either of these directional "pulls" to be the problematic element per say - much because, as stated, it (the mechanism) is built into the mechanism to some extent by design - it very much is utilized by design that is to say.

That which I personally see as the most problematic (in "ill" over all effect), are those within such motion that, through perhaps that removal from insight I have mentioned, fail to recognize the aspect of design once they happen to "ascend" within their chosen directions to a point which should then dictate to them a responsibility of maintenance so to speak.

Further, as a note, something which tends to become problematic within the modern atmosphere - is/are the attempts to thwart various forms of that progressive corruption - many times in the effort to replace it with some facsimile of a worn consistency which seems to produce similar effects for shorter, more labor intensive periods of time than is the normal acknowledgment of progressive corruptions.

But it seems that such aspects do not occur to many of them within their endeavors - which then commonly turns to a madness of sorts and then acts "in" upon themselves.

This could be by design as well in a "self cleaning" manner as a check and balance - and is even hastened within that amplified effect. Those reaching certain levels of influence who then fail to recognize the larger dynamic and more so continue with the very same dispositions and while failing to contribute - find themselves trapped in their own desperation so to speak.

This isn't to say that I feel it is some appointed office or even a duty, only that it seems to be very much of the more efficient dynamic of that larger process within the concept(s) itself - this as well has begun to rot in a parasitic manner - meaning it is common for those ignorant of that basic aspect, to then "move" laterally in their panic - then spreading that "rot" to the other more stable areas within the larger movement. Laughably it very much is their own fears that motivate their spreading of desperation in having failed to realize the most basic of even familial and fundamental values - both "business" and "social."

This has put into motion another dynamic housed within the ignorance of that fearful desperation and scapegoating as the parasitic effect grows if unchecked.

Again, it isn't as though a person need "care" about society to fill that given role in recognizing the "maintenance" aspect. In fact, a person need look no further than their own well being in many ways, if even only in a business sense.

Presumably I imagine, it was assumed that any becoming influential enough to consider such - would at least have established some insight into social dynamics and their direct connection with their own success, not to mention the peripheral elements contributing to the common health of business.

For instance, if a person is "too bad," then it is that their own prowess and even size becomes a detriment to their own prosperity and conversely, if a person is "too good" at those levels - meaning that "all bad" is eradicated - such as well becomes detrimental to even their own well being.

That simple fact as well has become warped into a very controlled and even stagnating cycle.

further in regard to the parasitic aspect within this, as I have stated - our modern ease of living has created areas socially which act to house the parasitic element through out the social hierarchy and business world.

It would seem that all such a developmental element does and expects in their warped interpretation - is that such is the way it should be. But again, if such were the case, all would be as destitute as are they (morally and ethically especially), in a real sense.

Please know that I am not speaking of the "pauper" here, nor the successful business person per say - nor am I even speaking of the "artist" element of a productive nature. Only that element which finds and exists within something in a purely consumptive manner and does so while insisting on dictating to others in an effort to maintain their "acquired" positions.

In that I see very much the danger of becoming that automated parasite and parody of ourselves.

It would seem that the "automation" while wonderfully convenient, is as much a sleeping danger to the "Utopian" aspects of it all - and especially to that area with this "Utopian" society and existence, which needs to be acknowledged if only by simple realization. But then again, perhaps such is sort of a self guidance barometer within the larger cycle of such a concept.

When it is that "decadence" becomes so thorough that it and ignorance have filled the place of meaning and existence - that which has been forgotten will act out its own part in ways we will again have to discern and learn. This most likely through the next cycle of "social rise and fall" within that slowly progressing concept of the "third degree of civilization" and that slowly developing motion of the living metaphor called "Utopia."


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